Yagya Ritual
Experience a transformative Yagya ritual, performed according to the ancient Vedic technique, accompanied by mantras.
Yagya (Sacrificial ceremony to the sacred fire) is practiced all over the world as it transcends any religious or cultural boundaries.
Regular practice of Yagya aligns our mind and body with the natural cycles of nature and helps achieve inner harmony.
The state of balance that occurs after a yagya allows our mind and body to relax and promotes positivity, personal growth and self-acceptance.
Yagya fire therapy, also known as Homa Therapy is an ancient Vedic technique that enhances and nourishes human lives by tuning our mind and body with rhythm of nature and creates equilibrium.
It’s a process of purification whose positive results have been established by scientists, doctors, ecologists both modern and ancient. Yagya is a fabulous healing therapy practiced by people worldwide as it doesn’t have any religious or national nuances attached to it.
Yagya, according to Vedas is the simplest Sadhana or technique that unites us with the Universal Consciousness. Practicing has a positive influence on body, mind, soul, & environment; and sets us on the path to attain inner balance & spirituality.
Apart from the significant physical and medical applications like cleansing of the environment, curing bodily ailments and augment ing vitality and physical potentials, yagyopathy is also found to be of immense use in treatment of psychosomatic disorders and psychological and psychiatric problems. The sublimated vital elements and herbal medicines inhaled in Yagya first reach the brain and then to the lungs and other parts, the gross as well as the subtle components of the body. Thus, it has a direct healing effect on brain diseases and complexities.
The body absorbs the heat of its sacrificial fire and inhales the vapors of sublimated herbs through the skin-pores and respiration. This elevated level of antioxidants upon reaching the brain and the nerves eliminates the major cause of mental tensions. The specific energy currents reduced by yagyagni and mantra shakti have significant remedial effect on the disorders and diseases ranging from headache, migraine, cold to mental dullness, intellectual deficiencies, depression, insomnia, intemperance.
Yagya is a purifying, healing phenomenon. Fire is known to benefit life on earth because of its ability to episodically burn solids and liquids into life enhancing gases. The good gases released while performing Yagya are charged with high energy and benefit human lives and other life forms in the environment. Gases spreads far more widely and quickly in the atmosphere than any solid or liquid can. Besides, Yagya is also known to negate the effect of harmful pathogenic bacteria.
The practice enhances and harmonizes the function of Prana, i.e. it nourishes cosmic life energy. By practicing regularly, our mind & body get tuned with rhythms of nature, which helps us to create inner equilibrium. Attaining such a state relaxes our mind and body. We become positively charged to evolve and embrace our own uniqueness. The process creates a higher level of understanding, sense of surrender, and acceptance within us.
Yagya ash has been seen to have many medicinal properties which are being studied worldwide. It’s one of the best fertilizers for those into organic farming.
Yagya indeed is helpful in calming the mind, creating tranquillity in our being and healing diseases, but finally we humans need to change, to save this planet, and inhale good quality of life with each new breath.
Benefits of regular Yagya Practice at a glance
Improves concentration in adults as well as children
Reduces Stress
Peace of mind
Improves motivational levels
Helps in De-Addiction
Improves immunity
Organic Farming & Agriculture
Bacteriostatic effect